When someone has access to your network, anything unlawful they may be doing could be traced back to you. Also, you’ll be paying more for someone else to use your internet!
When you live close to your immediate neighbors, you may find that you see more than one wi-fi network on your network list. Some are more secure than others; but the reality is, your network may not be protected from prying eyes. Keeping your network safe is vital, because we use the internet for so many important purposes. When someone has access to your network, anything unlawful they may be doing could be traced back to you. Also, you’ll be paying more for someone else to use your internet! To find out how you can protect your network while living in an apartment, read on.
Keep Your Password Complicated
Oftentimes, routers come prepped with an extremely complicated password. You may be tempted to change this to something a bit simpler, but that’s a bad idea. Keeping your password as something impossible to guess or remember will end up protecting your wi-fi. A simple password will be easy to remember, meaning that any neighbor who has used your wi-fi in the past might be able to use it.
Change Your Password on Occasion
If you notice that your internet is running particularly slowly, it could be that someone else is leeching off your wi-fi connection. It’s always a good idea to switch up the password when you have this suspicion. Of course, keep in mind our first tip; keep the password as complicated and as randomized as possible. Here is a password randomizer for you to check out if you need help.
Creative Network Names
Even something as simple as a repellant network name could keep it safe. For instance, if you name your network something like “No Connection Available” it may deter others from connecting, under the guise that it is unusable. Of course, you could always experiment with this; sometimes, this is all you need to keep leechers out of your network.
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