Practicing apartment etiquette in the parking lot is key in maintaining a peaceful environment where residents are respectful, considerate, and nice to each other.
Apartment communities can be convenient, safe, and peaceful places to live amongst family, friends, and pets. Practicing apartment etiquette is key in maintaining a peaceful environment where residents are respectful, considerate, and nice to each other. Apartment etiquette goes beyond being neighborly within your building. It also extends to the parking lot. Listed below are three helpful tips for ensuring apartment etiquette while maneuvering through your apartment’s parking lot.
Almost everyone has experienced the struggle of parking at least once, especially when parallel parking. Although parking isn’t everyone’s strength and can often be a challenge, it can be inconvenient trying to park in a space where the car next to you is either hanging out of the parking spot, parked crooked, or parked over the line. If you notice your vehicle is parked in a way that can inconvenience your neighbor, cause accidents, or disrupt the flow of traffic for vehicles and pedestrians, you should repark. Re-parking can go a long way in apartment etiquette, maintaining peace, convenience, and safety amongst residents.
Park In Your Designated Spot or Area
If your apartment complex has designated parking spots and areas for various buildings, please ensure that you’re parking in your designated spot. Taking parking away from your neighbors or residents in other buildings is the last thing you want. In some communities, it can also result in towing or tickets. If you have guests, it’s your responsibility to ensure that they’re parking in proper areas, such as designated visitor’s parking.
Noise is a common complaint by residents living in apartment communities, and it can extend beyond your apartment’s interior and hallways. Sometimes we can be unaware of how loud we are, especially outside; however, you don’t want to be in the parking lot of your apartment complex blasting music or loudly speaking on the phone or to residents within the area, especially after hours or early in the morning. To be the best neighbor, you can reduce the volume of your music and conversations as you’re maneuvering through your apartment’s parking lot near residents to ensure that you’re being considerate and respectful, maintaining a quiet and peaceful environment.
The Apartments of Wildewood have a friendly community that’s waiting to welcome you!
At The Apartments of Wildewood, located in beautiful in St. Mary’s Maryland, we offer homes with access to pools, an on-site gym, and maintenance whenever you need it – and have access to all the information you need to affordably rent an apartment in St. Mary’s. To set up an appointment to check out an apartment or townhouse rental from The Apartments of Wildewood, call us at 301.737.0737 or visit the website at www.apartmentsofwildewood.com.