It is essential for renters to know which types of damages they can deal with themselves, and when to discuss with a landlord or maintenance repair team.
All apartments, including townhomes, need minor repairs at one point. It is essential for renters to know which types of damages they can deal with themselves, and when to discuss with a landlord or maintenance repair team. If you wish to learn more about which apartment repairs renters should be prepared to deal with and fix themselves, and when to report damages to your landlord, read on!
What Renters are Fully Responsible For
Apartment landlords tend to make life as easy as possible for their tenants, but there are a few things that all renters should be taking care of on their own. These include smaller tasks such as changing light bulbs, replacing batteries inside smoke detectors and other appliances, removing stains on walls and floors, managing their trash, smaller toilet fixes such as unclogging and, depending on the type of townhouse apartment, replacing air filters.
Things to Consider Before Calling for a Repair
There are a couple of repairs that renters might be able to fix up on their own, and they should try to fix the issue to the best of their ability before calling up a repair request from the front desk. For example, if you notice an issue with an appliance, try swapping out the batteries and light bulbs to see if you can make the repair easier. If your garbage disposal is having problems, try to reset it. If the power goes out inside your apartment, flip the breaker on your electrical panel if you’ve got access to it. Simple things like this help you fix the apartment repairs quicker and saves your landlord time to make a simple repair.
Damages and Repairs You Should be Reporting
When there’s a repair needed that you’re unable to fix by yourself, you shouldn’t hesitate to report the emergency repair. Some damages can have some severe effects on your apartment and even your neighbor’s living space, so it’s best to report these emergencies as quickly as you can. These damages and repairs include broken pipes, holes in the walls and floors, flooding, faulty electrical outlets, and air conditioning and heating outages. As a renter, you shouldn’t ever try to mess with these types of repair jobs alone, as it could lead to more issues for the apartment, and potentially the apartment community, in the future.
The Apartments of Wildewood have a friendly community that’s waiting to welcome you!
At The Apartments of Wildewood, located in beautiful in St. Mary’s Maryland, we offer homes with access to pools, an on-site gym, and maintenance whenever you need it – and have access to all the information you need to affordably rent an apartment in St. Mary’s. To set up an appointment to check out an apartment or townhouse rental from The Apartments at Wildewood, call us at 301.737.0737 or visit the website!
For more about renting with The Apartments of Wildewood, check out our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn.