Our carpet cleaning tips can help eliminate even the toughest stains in your apartment! But practicing prevention is key.
When it comes to spring cleaning, don’t neglect the carpet in your apartment. During this time of year, it is much easier to track dirt, mulch, pollen, and other unsightly debris into the place you call home. One of the best preventative measures you can take to avoid dirty carpets is implementing a durable mat outside of your door for you and your guests to wipe your shoes on before entry. You can also request that your guests remove their shoes at the door before traveling throughout your apartment.
Alas, dirt happens. That’s why The Apartments of Wildewood is here to share a few carpet cleaning tips with you to help you keep your apartment carpet in optimal shape this spring.
Vacuum Vigorously
It should go without saying that using a vacuum is the first step you should take to effectively clean your carpets. Many people believe that performing a quick onceover with your vacuum is enough to remove all of the debris captured within the fabric when, in fact, it is best to go over the same spot multiple times and in different directions. When we say to vacuum vigorously, that is not to be confused with vacuuming at a high speed. Instead, we are encouraging you to vacuum slowly but with powerful direction, being sure not to give up as soon as the activity becomes strenuous.
Spot Cleaning Remedies
If you have spot stains on your carpet, you should avoid using chemical-based carpet cleaners at all costs. These solutions could worsen the stain, making it impossible to remove. A good spot cleaning remedy to employ is the mixture of: ¼ cup Borax, ¼ cup of salt, and ¼ cup of vinegar. This mixture will create a paste that can safely and effectively remove small stains from your carpet without causing further damage.
Steam Cleaners to the Rescue
If you tried cleaning your carpet using all of methods we have mentioned so far but it still appears dingy, stained, or unpleasant – it’s time to use a steam cleaner. These can be rented easily from local grocery and home improvement stores. Before steam cleaning your carpet, you should relocate any furniture that may get in your way. When returning the furniture to its location after steam cleaning, it is wise to put tin foil under the legs until the carpet is dry.
Looking For an Apartment in St. Mary’s County That You’ll Love? We Can Help!
At The Apartments of Wildewood, located in beautiful in St. Mary’s Maryland, we offer homes with access to pools, an on-site gym, and maintenance whenever you need it – and have access to all the information you need to affordably rent a warm apartment in winter. To set up an appointment to check out an apartment rental from The Apartments at Wildewood, call us at 301.737.0737 or visit the website!
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