Renting your first apartment is an exciting time but there are a few mistakes to watch out for.
Renting your first apartment, whether you’re a recent college grad or just making the big move out into the world, can be a pretty daunting process. After all, for many people, this is the first real move into adulthood and it can be somewhat confusing for those who have never experienced trying to find a place to live on their own. Let’s take a look at some mistakes first time renters will want to avoid making.
Renting Without Taking a Look
Sometimes you find yourself in a time crunch, needing a place to stay and sacrificing some steps along the way just to ensure you have a home to go to at night. Nonetheless, no matter what, never rent without taking a look at the unit you’ll be renting first. You simply can’t go off of photos alone so it’s always best to take a look yourself. If possible, try taking a look twice before you sign a lease or move in—once during the day and once at night, so you can get a better idea of what the area is really like.
Ignoring Initial Damage
It may seem easy to ignore minor damage like a scuffed floor, but the reality is, you don’t want to risk being blamed later on. Make sure to take photos of any damage whatsoever, no matter how minor and unimportant it might seem, the moment you move in. Renters are protected in a lot of ways but you still have to be an advocate for yourself and that means getting your security deposit back—and not getting footed with the bill for a repair that wasn’t your fault.
Not Knowing About Up-Front Costs
For those of us interested in renting, sometimes it can be easy to forget about up-front costs. Paying one month’s worth of rent is a typical security deposit but that’s not always the case. Some landlords will ask for two months rent, or one month plus a fee, and if you have a pet, sometimes there can be separate deposits for that.
The Apartments of Wildewood have a friendly community that’s waiting to welcome you!
At The Apartments of Wildewood, located in beautiful in St. Mary’s Maryland, we offer homes with access to pools, an on-site gym, and maintenance whenever you need it – and have access to all the information you need to affordably rent an apartment in St. Mary’s. To set up an appointment to check out an apartment or townhouse rental from The Apartments at Wildewood, call us at 301.737.0737 or visit the website!
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