Can you believe that spring is a little less than a month away? We’re so close to this new season that it’s time to start preparing for a good spring cleaning.
Can you believe that spring is a little less than a month away? We’re so close to this new season that it’s time to start preparing for a good spring cleaning. And while you may not be quite ready to start sweeping away, it’s not too early to start preparing for your cleaning project. Preparing is just as important as the cleaning itself! Your apartment deserves an organized, well-planned spring cleaning this season. Read on for some helpful tips!
Start Decluttering
As part of your daily routine, start to organize what’s lying around the apartment. Have two big bins placed somewhere convenient, and mark them as a donation box and a discard box. Every day, place one item in each bin. Throw away what isn’t worth keeping and give away what has value, but isn’t useful to you. This can help declutter by removing unused objects.
How awful would it be to get ready for your day of cleaning, only to find out that you’re running short on paper towels? In the next few weeks, take an inventory of your cleaning supplies. Restock where necessary. You can even keep track of all your cleaning supplies with a plastic organizer. This way, you’ll have a bit of time to take note of what you need and what you have enough of.
It’s easy to talk about cleaning when you aren’t planning a specific date for the activity. Life gets in the way very easily, so you’re going to need to set out a date for when you plan to start cleaning. That way, you’ll know not to plan anything that weekend that could get in the way. You’ll have a full, uninterrupted day to get everything done at once, so you don’t have to drag the process out.
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