Remember these tips if you are renting as a pet owner.
Whether you have a new puppy or an older cat, finding the perfect home for you and your furry friends can be challenging. At Apartments of Wildewood, we are proud to be a pet-friendly community, but there are some special considerations that you should make when renting as a pet owner.
Don’t Try to Hide It
Some pet owners are hesitant about letting their landlords know about their pets for a variety of reasons. For example, some worry that the landlord will not allow their pet to stay on the property. Others are concerned that having two cats might make a bad impression, even if the lease says having two pets is okay.
As long as the apartment you are applying for says that they accept pets, disclosing your animals as you rent should be no issue. Trying to keep a secret pet is always a bad idea, as it breaks trust with your landlord and is unnecessary in the first place at a pet-friendly apartment.
Ask Before You Adopt
If you don’t currently own a pet and want to adopt after your lease has already begun, that is no problem! Renting is adaptable, and leases can easily be modified to allow for the new addition to your family. Make sure that you clear the type of animal and breed with your landlord ahead of time and provide notice as to when the pet will be moving in. If you are renting as a pet owner, you will most likely be required to add on a deposit or monthly pet fees. You will work with your landlord to set those fees up and ensure that you understand the terms.
Spay or Neuter
Spaying and neutering are not just good for your apartment community; they are also good for your pets! One study found that neutered dogs live 18% longer, and spayed dogs live 23% longer. Even more shocking? Spayed cats live 39% longer, and neutered cats live 62% longer. Having this affordable procedure performed limits unwanted breeding behaviors and ensures you don’t end up with more pets than you’re allowed to have.
Be Responsible
Finally, pet owners get an undeserved bad reputation at some apartment complexes due to a single animal with bad behavior. When you’re renting as a pet owner, go above and beyond to make sure that your pet is happy and your fellow neighbors are happy too. By setting a good example, you’ll make sure that other tenants get to bring all of their family members with them too.
The Apartments of Wildewood have a friendly community that’s waiting to welcome you!
At The Apartments of Wildewood, located in beautiful St. Mary’s Maryland, we offer homes with access to pools, an on-site gym, and maintenance whenever you need it – and have access to all the information you need to affordably rent an apartment in St. Mary’s. To set up an appointment to check out an apartment or townhouse rental from The Apartments of Wildewood, call us at 301.737.0737 or visit the website at www.apartmentsofwildewood.com.