Looking to buy furniture for your apartment? Some items are better bought used vs. new.
Saving money when moving by purchasing some of your furniture used instead of new is always a good idea. New furniture can be quite expensive and, as we all know, moving already has all of its various costs that can quickly add up. However, not every item out there is something you’re going to want to purchase used. While it’s a great idea for saving money, some items are better left bought from a reputable store. It’s important to distinguish what apartment furniture you should purchase new versus what can easily be bought used.
Used Furniture
First place you’re going to want to check: a thrift store. Between that, garage sales, or through the grapevine of friends and family, you can find a number of pieces that are still in good condition or can be fixed up a bit. If it’s as simple as adding some new paint, a seat cover, or redoing the upholstery, you may still be in luck. Purchasing a good set of tools is always a good idea, too, if you’re going to have some used furniture. After all, you never know when that dining room table is going to come loose again and require tightening, so make sure you get a nice set of tools too. Dining sets and anything storage-related like TV stands or dressers are some of the best places to invest in used items.
Another area where it makes sense to go used: small kitchen appliances. Toasters, coffee makers, and microwaves are all easily found cheap as there are just so many out there. Take a look at your thrift shop or catch some local garage sales.
Buy New
While a bed frame might make sense to get used, you’re likely going to want to spring for a new mattress. This is a hygiene issue for many, though it’s also true that mattresses tend to sag and develop craters in them, leaving you without maximum comfort. It isn’t uncommon for thrift store mattresses to come with bed bugs too. Cookware is another item that you may want to consider buying new, especially nonstick cookware or cutting boards, which can all end up developing bacteria.
The Apartments of Wildewood have a friendly community that’s waiting to welcome you!
At The Apartments of Wildewood, located in beautiful in St. Mary’s Maryland, we offer homes with access to pools, an on-site gym, and maintenance whenever you need it – and have access to all the information you need to affordably rent an apartment in St. Mary’s. To set up an appointment to check out an apartment or townhouse rental from The Apartments at Wildewood, call us at 301.737.0737 or visit the website!
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